It's here. At 16 months in the making, Perihelid now has a cover! The tone. The silence. The vast void. This cover captures the essence of Perihelid just as it's meant to be experienced. Watch this video, and see it for yourself. Perihelid, Book 3 of 7 in the Recovery Series, will be published on October 17, 2017.
Writing is, by no means at all, whatsoever, in any way, a quick and easy process. Whether it's a poem, short story, novella, or full-on novel, you're not gonna sit down and bang out a perfectly polished publication-prepared product.
Nope. Not gonna happen.
Here's a video showcasing the broader aspects of my writing life. Aside from the first draft of Embassy, I take writing slow (the first draft of Embassy was a special exception). I've been writing novels for 13 years and this is how it's gone for every single book I've written.
So sit back and learn the true time required--in scales of months and years--to produce a perfectly polished publication-prepared product (and even then, it's never perfect).